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Health-System Pharmacy Administration and Leadership

Recruitment Events

Virtual HSPAL Open House #1: November 18th at 5:00 PM MST. Sign up to be posted in October.
Virtual HSPAL Open House #2: December 3rd at 5:00 PM MST. Sign up to be posted in October.
ASHP MCM PPS: Use this opportunity to meet with our team 1-on-1. Sign up via PPS portal when live.

Applications Due: January 3rd at 5:00 PM MST.

Health-System Pharmacy Administration and Leadership (HSPAL)

About this Two-Year Pharmacy Residency Program


The Health-System Pharmacy Administration and Leadership (HSPAL) PGY2 residency program at University of Utah Health develops clinically strong practitioners who choose to specialize in pharmacy administration roles, and become leaders in healthcare. The PGY1 program provides a strong practice foundation with emphasis on clinical skill development. The PGY2 HSPAL program provides a comprehensive experience in the management of pharmacy services in an academic medical center including inpatient and ambulatory programs, as well as foundational skills in human resources, leadership, technology and informatics, clinical and operational management, finance, compliance, supply chain, and medication safety and quality. In addition, the residents will concurrently be enrolled in the Master of Healthcare Administration (MHA) online program through the University of Utah David Eccles School of Business. The MHA program provides the academic foundation that support and enhance the residency experience. Graduates of the program will be capable of assuming roles as clinical coordinators, team leaders, pharmacy supervisors or managers in a variety of pharmacy practice and healthcare settings, including but not limited to academic medical centers. The HSPAL graduates have the training and skillset to become the executive pharmacy and healthcare leaders.


Our PGY1 pharmacy residency program builds upon a Doctor of Pharmacy (PharmD) education and outcomes to develop pharmacist practitioners with knowledge, skills, and abilities as defined in the educational competency areas, goals, and objectives. Residents who successfully complete our PGY1 residency program will be skilled in patient care, practice management, leadership, and education, and be prepared to provide patient care, seek board certification in pharmacotherapy (i.e., BCPS), and pursue advanced education and training opportunities including postgraduate year two (PGY2) residencies.

Educational Outcomes, Goals, and Objectives

The HSPAL program uses the ASHP Outcomes, Goals and Objectives required for HSPAL programs. We use all the required Outcomes, Goals and Objectives.  Other elective outcomes may be addressed as part of the resident's custom plan.

The summary of the Outcomes, Goals and Objectives selected for the year are included as a print out from PharmAcademic for each resident as part of the process of planning for the year.


Part 1: PGY1 Pharmacy Practice Residency

See the Pharmacy Practice (PGY1) Residency description for detailed information on the first year of the program. Required 4 week rotations include: Orientation, Management, Drug Information, Acute Care, Primary Care, Adult Critical Care Selective, Transitions of Care Selective, and Ambulatory Care Selective. Residents have 4 weeks of project time spread throughout the year. Residents may then choose electives (4 months) in acute or ambulatory care, and specialty consult areas. It is highly recommended that residents in the HSPAL program take Medication Safety an electives their first year.

Part 2: Master of Healthcare Administration

The Master of Healthcare Administration (MHA) from the University of Utah David Eccles School of Business enhances the HSPAL residency experience, preparing the resident for their career post-residency. The curriculum coincides with specific residency experiences to ensure the course work as an opportunity to be immediately applied. While enrolled in the MHA program, residents will be taught by the University of Utah's renown faculty, while taking courses with other professionals from varied backgrounds.

Summary of MHA Curriculum Requirements (scroll to bottom of linked page)

Part 3: HSPAL (PGY2) Residency

Rotations are planned for each resident based on the residents career interests and preceptor availability. Required 4-week rotations include: Orientation, Inpatient Operations and Clinical Management, Ambulatory Operations and Clinical Management, Supply Chain, Finance, Medication Safety and Informatics. Required longitudinal rotations include: Longitudinal Management, Longitudinal Project, and Staffing both inpatient and discharge.

Foundational Required Experiences


Primary Preceptor(s)

Suggested Duration


Ashley Bowden
Chris Hansen

2 weeks

Inpatient Pharmacy Operations

Ashley Bowden

4 weeks

Inpatient Clinical Management (option of UHosp/HCH)

Makala Pace
Sonya Ruelle

4 weeks

Ambulatory Care Pharmacy Operations—Community Pharmacy

Jacob Murrill

4 weeks

Ambulatory Care Pharmacy Operations—Pharmacy  Ambulatory Clinical Care Center (PAC3) including specialty pharmacy

Ashley Ryther
Stephanie Barrus
Gerald St. James

4 weeks

Ambulatory Care Clinical Management

Ryan Fleming

4 weeks

Supply Chain

Russell Findlay

4 weeks

Pharmacy Finance Rotation

Russell Findlay
Kavish Choudhary

4 weeks


Alyssa Ferrie
Dallas Moore

4 weeks or Longitudinal


Program Preceptors

4 weeks


Program Preceptors


Longitudinal Supervision (Residents supervise an area of the pharmacy during their second year.  Examples of areas supervised include operating room areas, a community pharmacy or supervising an intern class)

Ashley Bowden


Staffing, Scheduling—Inpatient

Amanda Woods


Staffing, Scheduling—Outpatient, Discharge Services

Chris Hansen


Elective Experiences

Electives are arranged based on the resident's interests. This may include experiences in other areas not listed, or an extension in an already scheduled area. In addition, there are many electives for the resident to choose from to gain experience and enhance their interests. The follow are established electives.


Primary Preceptor(s)

Suggested Duration

Academic Administration

Linda Tyler

4 weeks

Drug Policy

Erin Fox

4 weeks

Reporting and Analytics

Shea Kinsey

2-4 weeks

Investigational Drug Service

Camryn Froerer

2-4 weeks

340B Program Management

Sara Bamford

2-4 weeks

Other electives may be developed based on the resident's interests.



HSPAL PGY2 Residency Completion Checklist

  • Complete at least 85% of all goals and objectives marked "Achieved for Residency" (AChR).

  • Satisfactorily complete all learning experiences.

  • Perform at the level of an independent, licensed pharmacist in performing responsibilities throughout the year.

  • Demonstrate accountability for the care of patients.

  • Perform independently as a pharmacy leader at the end of the program year.

  • Complete all assigned projects.

  • Insure completion of all evaluations for each learning experience assigned.

  • Service requirements: Cover four shifts per month in a staffing role (Approximately 34 hours per month, 48 shifts for the year).  Assignments are split equally between inpatient and discharge pharmacist assignments.

  • Design and complete a research project and develop a publishable manuscript. This will be evaluated as a project rotation.

  • Presentations (evaluated as part of capstone experiences)

    • Provide an acceptable continuing education presentation.

    • Present research project results at the Mountain States Conference.

    • Complete at least 4 presentations as part of other rotations.  Presentations will be given to a variety of audiences including pharmacy staff, intraprofessional teams, and senior leadership.

  • Satisfactorily maintain a residency program e-portfolio.  Portfolio will contain at a minimum:

    • End of year updated CV

    • Vision Statement

    • Project proposal and final project manuscript

    • For all projects and presentations completed during the year:  summaries, presentations, and other documents

  • Department Service

    • Coordinate at least two department events (e.g. immunization clinics, controlled substance count, Be Well Utah).

    • Act as Pharmacy Department co-chair or secretary for one pharmacy committee (Preceptor Development and Teaching Committee, Medsafety, Recruitment, etc.)

Optional Experience

Complete requirements for teaching certificate program. This can be completed over the 2 years of the program.

Program Director

Contact Information

Ashley Bowden, PharmD, MS, BCPS
Pharmacy Operations Director

I am Ashley Bowden, the HSPAL Residency Program Director and Pharmacy Operations Director at the University of Utah Health in Salt Lake City, Utah. I completed my PharmD degree at The Ohio State University in 2015 (Go Bucks!) and my M.S. in Health-System Pharmacy Administration at the University of Utah in 2017. I completed my PGY1 pharmacy practice and PGY2 Health-System Pharmacy Administration residency at the University of Utah Health. I oversee investigational drug services, medication distribution for 700 inpatient beds, central fulfillment of medication orders for 400 university clinics, and operations of 4 operating room pharmacy satellites. In operations, I am passionate about using automation to improve safety and medication distribution processes. In addition, I love mentoring and developing our pharmacy interns and residents to grow and achieve the next step in their careers.

Outside of work, I love spending time outdoors hiking or playing sports and, in the colder months, attending various theatre shows throughout the valley.

Camryn Froerer, PharmD, MS, BCPS, BCSCP

Program Coordinator

Contact Information

Camryn Froerer, PharmD, MS, BCPS, BCSCP
Manager, Investigational Drug Service

Camryn graduated from University of Utah College of Pharmacy in 2018. He then completed a PGY1/PG2 and M.S. degree in Health System Pharmacy Administration and Leadership at University of Utah Health. After residency he spent time as an Operations Manager at University of Iowa Health Care before rejoining the U of U Health team again in 2021 as the Investigational Drug Services Manager. Outside of his role as RPC, Camryn has offered elective experiences for the HSPAL residents within IDS, acted as project preceptor, and mentored many residents in career decisions along the way.

When Camryn is not at work he enjoys disc golf, spending time with his wife and two kids, and enjoying all that Utah has to offer.