A curated list of resources for practitioners
Websites Useful In Finding Drug Information
Pharmacy Support
For Our Patients
- Academy of Health Services Research and Health Policy: Academy Health
National policy center for US
- CDC Health-related Quality of Life
Information on health-related quality of life measures
- Cost Effectiveness Analysis Registry
Provides information on cost-effectiveness analysis.
- Evidence-Based Medicine Working Group
A printable worksheet for healthcare professionals on analyzing an outcomes study
- Formulary Watch
Access to pharmacoeconomic articles and headline news published in Formulary Watch regarding practical pharmacoeconomics.
- Harvard Center for Risk Analysis
In the section "Economic Evaluation of Medical Technology" there is a cost-utility database and tables of life expectancy gains from medical interventions.
- HealthEconomics.com
Provides various links for health related databases
- International Society for Pharmacoeconomics and Outcomes
Website for the ISPOR organization; provides links to other pharmacoeconomic-related sites.
- International Society for Quality of Life Research
Provides extensive list of links to health-related quality of life research.
- Managed Care Digest
Detailed statistical information on various healthcare markets. Site supported by Aventis.
- MAPI Research Trust
International health outcomes organization with expertise in linguistic and cultural validation of health status questionnaires.
- Medical Outcomes Trust
Site for ordering various outcome measurement tools
- National Committee for Quality Assurance
Site which can provide report cards on various health plans. Also can order HEDIS data.
- PedsQL
A quality of life assessment tool for pediatrics
- SF Health Surveys
Provides background information on the SF-36 and also gives free demos of the SF-8, SF-12, and SF-36
- Society for Medical Decision Making
Provides good references and related links. Need to be a member to access certain portions of sites. Has a cost-effectiveness analysis resource list of web-sites.