A curated list of resources for practitioners
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For Our Patients
Style Guide
- AMA Style Manual
The premier style manual for medical and scientific publishing.
Abstract Writing
- American College of Physicians
Describes the sections of a structured abstract and has links to an "abstract checklist" and examples
- University of North Carolina: The Writing Center
A handout describing the purpose, format, and content of abstracts and instructions for abstracting your own work.
Ethics in Medical Publishing, Authorship Guidelines, and Plagiarism
- Ethics of Medical Publishing & Authorship
A list of web links from University of Utah Health Care on the subject of ethics in medical publishing and plagiarism.
Writing Tips
- University of Oklahoma: Tips on Scientific Writing
Simple overview of factors in excellent scientific writing.
- Online Writing Lab at Purdue University
Large index of printer-friendly handouts on an array of issues related to improved writing skills
- Elements of Style download
The classic reference for writers by Strunk and White.
- The King's English on Bartleby.com
Summarizes the contents of classic reference book discussing rules of style and grammar.
- Writing and Speaking Guidelines for Engineering and Science
Links to a variety of discussions of how to write presentations, letters, formal reports, and other scientific documents.
- Refdesk Dictionaries and Online Resources
Links to almost 200 writing resources, including dictionaries, English-to-other language (and back) dictionaries, acronym finders, and glossaries.
- Refdesk Quotation Resources
Links to over 40 quotation resources or thesauri.
- AMA Style Guide
Based on American Medical Association Manual of Style, 10th ed., 2007.
Other Issues
- WritersDigest.com: One Versus Two Spaces After a Period
Describes the controversy over one or two spaces after sentences in a paragraph.
- Common Errors in English Usage
List of common grammatical and word-choice errors, provided by Paul Brians of Washington State University.
- National Institutes of Health
Tips on writing grants
- University of North Carolina
Tips for writing proposals
- Monster.com
Tips for writing an excellent pharmacist's resume