**Due to an update in May 2019 to the FDA.gov website, provided links may not appropriately redirect. Please visit www.fda.gov/drugs/drug-safety-and-availability to see the most recent FDA Medication Safety Alerts and Safety Communications or to search for specific alerts or communications.**
Kingsway Trading Inc. is recalling its dietary supplement Well Balance Xanthium & Siler Combo (Bi Yan Pian) due to the presence of ephedra herba (ma huang) in the product. Ephedra alkaloids are banned by the FDA as they have been linked to heart attack, stroke, and death. Potential risks outweigh any benefits that may be derived from product use. No adverse events have yet been reported with this product. The recalled supplements are 1.06 oz (30g) bottles from batch numbers 130401 and 150201. The supplement comes in a brown plastic bottle with a white cap, containing 100 tablets. Each tablet is 300 mg in strength.
Well Balance Xanthium & Siler Combo is generally found at oriental supermarkets, herb stores, and acupuncture clinics. The recalled product was distributed to locations in several states in all regions of the country. Consumers should return this product to the site it was purchased for a full refund and call the manufacturer at (718) 366-2300, Monday to Friday, 9:00am to 5:00pm with any questions. Please report any side effects or adverse events regarding the use of this product to the FDA MedWatch Reporting Program.
Additional Information is available at the following links:
- FDA MedWatch Alert – February 9, 2017
www.fda.gov/Safety/MedWatch/SafetyInformation/SafetyAlertsforHumanMedicalProducts/ucm540773.htm - Press Release – February 7, 2017