A curated list of resources for practitioners
Websites Useful In Finding Drug Information
Pharmacy Support
For Our Patients
- American Cancer Society
Geared for health professionals and patients. Emphasis on cancer prevention. Information in Spanish and Asian Languages.
- CA: A cancer journal for clinicians
Published by the American Cancer Society. Covers a wide variety of topics. Provides global cancer statistics information as well as other epidemiologic cancer information.
- National Cancer Institute
Features cancer information, research programs and funding, clinical trials information, cancer statitics, and latest news.
- National Cancer Institute Adverse Drug Event Criteria
NCI Cancer Therapy Evaluation Program Adverse Drug Event Toxicity Criteria Rating (often used for grading ADRs in product labeling)
- National Cancer Institute Drug Name Dictionary
NCI’s drug name dictionary provides any synonyms used in clinical trials, and may also give a description of the medication class.
- National Cancer Institute Cancer Terms Dictionary
Defines cancer terms used in clinical trials and cancer therapy (eg, event-free survival, progression-free survival).
- OncologySTAT
General resource for health professionals. Features cancer information, trial information, and latest news.
- Cancer Letter*
Subscription publication that covers current topics in cancer treatment and shortages of cancer drugs. Includes coverage of cancer treatment centers, National Cancer Institute, National Institutes of Health, FDA, Congress and the pharmaceutical industry. Available to UU clinicians by IP address login.
Cancer Epidemiology
- Centers for Disease Prevention and Control
Cancer prevention and control section of CDC. Data on national statistics and registry. Cancer fact sheets.
- NCI-cancer maps
Cancer mortality maps and graphs--data through 2009
Clinical trials
- American Cancer Society
Links patients to clinical trials. Has patient info on complementary and herbal therapies.
- National Institutes of Health
Cancer trials in progress
Oncology Clinical Guidelines
- American Society of Clinical Oncology
Source of excellent guidelines, plus other resources of the organization.
- American Society for Transplantation and Cellular Therapy
Guidelines specific for bone marrow transplantation and cellular therapies. Formerly known as American Society for Blood and Marrow Transplantation
- European Society for Medical Oncology
Evidence based clinical practice guidelines. Will use consensus based in the absence of evidence.
- Infectious Disease Society of America
Contains the guideline for managing neutropenic fever.
- International Association for Hospice and Palliative Care Medicine (IAHPCM)
Resources and guidelines links in palliative care (meta-site of other guidelines)
- Multinational Association of Supportive Care in Cancer (MASCC)
Consensus guidelines to address supportive care issues.
- National Comprehensive Cancer Network
Source of evidence-based guidelines for cancer treatment and supportive care. Subscription required.
- Oncology Nursing Society
Nursing practice guidelines and other resources.
Cancer Center Websites
- Huntsman Cancer Institute (University of Utah Health)
Information on a wide variety of topics. The G. Mitchell Morris Cancer Learning Center provides information specific to patients and their families.
- MD Anderson Cancer Center (University of Texas)
Professional information including practice guidelines. Patient information including alternative therapies.
- OncoLink--Abramson Cancer Center (University of Pennsylvania)
Sections on cancer type, treatment, coping and resources.
- Dana Farber and Brigham & Women's Cancer Center
Metasite for many patient resources including some in French and Spanish.
Cancer site specific websites
- American Brain Tumor Association
- National Brain Tumor Society
- International Myeloma Foundation
- Leukemia and Lymphoma Society
- NationalBreast Cancer Coalition
- National Ovarian Cancer Coalition
Palliative care
- National Hospice and Palliative Care Organization
Assist in locating provider. Info for healthcare providers.
- International Association for Hospice and Palliative Care Medicine
Resources for healthcare professionals.
Patient education
- Cancer Research and Prevention Foundation
Healthy living, materials and program sections.
- National Coalition of Cancer Survivors
Information for surviros and caregivers; cancer survival toolbox; links to other sites by cancer type and treatment.
- National Coalition for Cancer Survivorship Resource Guide
Subset of above organization. Provides patients with a step-by-step guide of online resources for patients to help understand their cancer.
- Chemocare
Information regarding chemotherapy, managing side effects, nutrition, and complementary medicine. Also features message boards for patients, caregivers, and survivors to gain perspective from others going through similar experiences.
- Mesothelioma Guide
Up-to-date support to mesothelioma patients and family members
Support Groups
- American Childhood Cancer Organization
Offers support to survivors of childhood cancer and their families
- Children's Oncology Camp Association International
Information on cancer camps for children and families affected by cancer, serving the US and Canada, as well as other countries.
- Supersibs
Support group and resources for siblings of children with cancer
*Resource available to University of Utah Health staff